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High-throughput screening for small psycho-active molecules in

Here, we describe a simple, behaviour-based approach to identify in vivo novel psycho-active molecules in zebrafish embryos. Using an automated […]

Profiling blood lymphocytes reactivity against cancer cells

In vitro trogocytosis of PKH67-stained cancer cells as a measure of their interactions with bulks of PBMC from patients. This profiling give the […]

Three-dimensional multicellular spheroid cultures

When culture in suspension many mammalian cell types can aggregate into 3D-spheroids. These multicellular cultures mimic real tissues or tumours and […]

Animal models of fibrosis

UUO: This model is induced in mice or rats by unilateral ureteral ligation (UUO) of the left ureter. The animals rapidly develop, within a few days, […]

3d cell omics – clinical proteomics platform

For your Clinical investigations, they propose to apply 3D culture cell methods to further your knowledge of disease, pathways, targets and drugs […]

Xenograft models to study stem and chemoresistant cells, and to assess

We have recently contributed to establish a robust xenotransplantation model (NSG, NRG) to study the leukemic engraftment as well as the stem cell […]

New production system for human recombinant leptin

Leptin is an adipocyte-derived pleiotropic hormone that modulates a large number of physiological functions, including control of body weight and […]

Hek 293 cells expressing human prolactin receptor and lhre-lucifease

This stable clone of HEK 293 cells has stably incorporated the sequence encoding the long isoform of the human prolactin receptor and a […]

Rbl-2h3 rat mast cell line : in vitro degranulation assay for

Rat mast cell line (RBL-2H3) transfected with the cDNAs encoding the three subunits (alpha, beta, gamma) of the human high affinity IgE receptor. The […]

Tagged leptin receptors hek293t cells

Hek293T cells were transfected with short form human leptin receptors (OBR) tagged individually with either Rluc (pIRESpuro3, Clontech) or YFP […]

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