Saccharomyces cerevisiae expressing under the GAL promoter either the wild-type rat liver CPT1, mutated rat liver CPT1 or chimeric CPT. CPT1A activity […]
100% of the animals spontaneously tumor in the distal part of the colon after 7 month of age, or within 5 weeks after bone marrow transfer. The […]
Transformed rat mesothelial cell line isolated from the peritoneal fluid of a male rat (Fischer F344) after 270 days of induction with crocidolite […]
We have recently contributed to establish a robust xenotransplantation model (NSG, NRG) to study the leukemic engraftment as well as the stem cell […]
Transformed rat mesothelial cell line isolated from the peritoneal fluid of a female rat (Fischer F344) after 298 days of induction with crocidolite […]