B6BC cell line

This murine cell line is the first syngenic hormone receptor-positive cell line of C57BL/6 strain. The cell line can be transplanted to C57BL/6 female and can induce tumor growth.

Interest / Relevance: There was an urgent need to develop C57BL/6 mouse-compatible hormone receptor-positive breast cancer (HR+BC) cells representing the quantitatively most deadly human breast cancer cell type. By chemical carcinogenesis, sophisticated culture methods and serial passaging in mice, we succeeded in establishing such an HR+BC cell line, B6BC, that indeed causes incurable tumors when transplanted into immunocompetent C57BL/6 hosts. Although these tumors partially and transiently respond to hormonotherapy and chemotherapy, they do not respond to PD-1 targeted therapy at all. We found that the tumors exhibit features of epithelial to mesenchymal transition and were abundantly infiltrated by myeloid immune populations but scarcely by T lymphocytes, as determined by single-nucleus RNA sequencing and high-dimensional leukocyte profiling. Of note, B6BC-derived tumors reduced their growth upon CD11b blockade, indicating tumor sustainment by myeloid cells. The immune environment and treatment responses before and after CD11b blockade were extensively characterized to understand the trophic effects of myeloid cells on these B6BC-derived tumors.
Keywords: breast cancer, C57BL/6-derived mammary carcinoma cell line, breast cancer, C57BL/6-derived mammary carcinoma cell line
Scientist's name: Mme Maria Chiara MAIURI
Maria Perez Lanzon



Business Developper
Inserm Transfert
Research Tools
Organism: mouse
Tissue: breast
Morphology: spindle-like
Rare disease: No
Last update: 05/02/2025

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