Stable human prolactin receptor ba/f3 cell

Ba/F3 cells are mouse pro-B lymphocytes that are dependent on IL-3 for survival/growth. We stably transfeted them with expression vector encoding the long isoform of the human prolactin receptor. Their survival/growth can now be shifted to prolactin in the absence of IL-3.

Interest / Relevance: It is used to test any ligand of the prolactin receptor, based on cell proliferation and survival. It can also be used for signaling studies of the prolactin receptor. It can also be usd for evaluating the amount of prolactin receptor agonist in a fluid.
Keywords: prolactin , prolactin receptor , luciferase , agonists , antagonists
Scientist's name: Vincent GOFFIN
1.Bernichtein S et al (2003) Endocrine 20: 177-190.
2.Bernichtein S et al (2003) J Biol Chem 278: 35988-35999.
3.Glezer et al (2006) JCEM 91: 1048-1055.



Business Developper
Inserm Transfert
Research Tools
Organism: Mouse
Tissue: Pro-B lymphocytes
Morphology: Suspension, round cells
Culture Medium: Classical RPMI with additives
Growth Properties: Passage every other day (do not like being too diluted or confluent)
Rare disease: No
Last update: 11/09/2024

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