Rat mesothelial cell line f2-1

Transformed rat mesothelial cell line isolated from the peritoneal fluid of a female rat (Fischer F344) after 298 days of induction with crocidolite (blue asbestos) injected intraperitoneously.

Interest / Relevance: - Academic Research: identification of markers of neoplastic / transformed mesothelial cells, analyses of chromosomal damage induced by asbestos, studies of the mechanism of asbestos-induced oncogenesis, implication of fibrosis and inflammation.
- Industry research: antibody production, screening of new anticancer agents, identification of factors that increase mesothelial proliferation and migration.
- Therapeutic: development of epigenetic drugs, design of cancer vaccines, regenerative medicine applications.
Keywords: mesothelial cells , tumor marker , tumor invasion process , malignant transformation , proliferation rate
Scientist's name: Daniel POULIQUEN



Business Developper
Inserm Transfert
Research Tools
Organism: Rat
Tissue: Mesothelium (peritoneal cavity)
Morphology: Sarcomatoid
Passage Number: 2, 4
Culture Medium: RPMI 1640 supplemented with 10% FCS and 2mM L-Glutamine
Growth Properties: under investigation
Karyotype: under investigation
Rare disease: No
Last update: 11/09/2024

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