Gene therapy coding for anti-Tau Nanobody to treat rare tauopathies

The invention relates to generation, optimization and characterisation of VHH targeted against Tau MTBD (microtubule-binding domain) with high affinity, obtained by screening from a naïve synthetic library. The inventors optimized version of a lead VHH which is able to inhibit Tau aggregation in vitro and in HEK 293 aggregation-reporting cellular model, providing a new tool in Tau immunotherapies. Accordingly the invention relates to new VHH antibody that specifically binds with high affinity Tau species, especially the epitope region involved in Tau aggregation. These specific antibodies can be used for the therapy of tauopathy disorders such as Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP).

Keywords: Tauopathy - Progressive supranuclear palsy
Patent Application number: European Procedure (Patents) (EPA) - 13 Déc. 2018 - 18 306 684.4
BUEE Luc,DUPRE Elian,LANDRIEU Isabelle,ARRIAL Alexis,RAIN Jean-christophe,DANIS Clément



Business Developper
Business Development Manager
Patent filling date: 13-12-2018
Rare disease: No
Second indication: No

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